Costarcel 200

COSTARCEL 200 is ready-to- use liquid accelerating admixture for concrete. It accelerates initial setting time one to three times faster than normal mortar and concrete without adversely affecting other properties of concrete and mortar.

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COSTARCEL 200 is ready-to- use liquid accelerating admixture for concrete. It accelerates initial setting time one to three times faster than normal mortar and concrete without adversely affecting other properties of concrete and mortar.

COSTARCEL 200 improves workability and strength while hastening the hydration of cement. It makes the mix easier to place and speeds construction by shortening the initial set and curing time without resulting in slump loss. Time and labor are saved because formwork and other protection can be removed earlier and finishing can be started.


  • Concrete requiring fast stripping times
  • Self-compacting concrete
  • Pile cap re-profiling
  • As a substitute for rapid hardening cement
  • Pre-cast elements
  • Can also be used in cold climates where accelerated strength development is necessary


  • Chloride free, safe in pre-stressed and reinforced concrete
  • Allows continued placing of concrete at low temperatures.
  • Gives additional frost protection by reducing the low water content and accelerating hydration of cement
  • Reduces segregation and increases density and compressive strength
  • Can be used for concrete repair especially areas requiring SCC repair compounds
  • High Flow and Fluidity and controlled expansion
  • Allows for early stripping and re use of forms
  • No effect on slump