Costarmix 600Cast

Costarmix 600Cast is PCE based water reducing super plascizer which has been specifically developed for the precast concrete industry coupling superior high range water reducing capabilities and excellent dispersion levels with robust performance. It is ideal for use in precast concrete where the desire to maximize the performance of the concrete in the plastic and hardened state is preeminent.


  • High early age strength development to improve productivity, earlier transfer of pre-stress and negates the requirement for accelerang admixtures during cold weather.
  • Chloride free.
  • Ideal for concrete containing embedded steel.
  • Water reductions of up to 45%, promote higher early age strength and superior ultimate strength.
  • Increased final strength facilitates earlier striking of form work, lifting of precast elements and further cement reductions. This enables the producer to increase efficiency and reduce overall energy input.
  • Improved rheology of concrete provides a blemish free surface finish which requires less remedial work (dressing).
  • Compable with all types of cement.
  • Produces concrete with excellent durability, low permeability and improves resistance to sulphate attack.


Costarmix 600Cast is PCE based water reducing super plascizer which has been specifically developed for the precast concrete industry coupling superior high range water reducing capabilities and excellent dispersion levels with robust performance. It is ideal for use in precast concrete where the desire to maximize the performance of the concrete in the plastic and hardened state is preeminent.


  • High early age strength development to improve productivity, earlier transfer of pre-stress and negates the requirement for accelerang admixtures during cold weather.
  • Chloride free.
  • Ideal for concrete containing embedded steel.
  • Water reductions of up to 45%, promote higher early age strength and superior ultimate strength.
  • Increased final strength facilitates earlier striking of form work, lifting of precast elements and further cement reductions. This enables the producer to increase efficiency and reduce overall energy input.
  • Improved rheology of concrete provides a blemish free surface finish which requires less remedial work (dressing).
  • Compable with all types of cement.
  • Produces concrete with excellent durability, low permeability and improves resistance to sulphate attack.