Costar RM 20F

Costar RM 20 F is a one-component, polymer-modified, easy to use and rapid drying cementitious patching mortar ideal for the repair or re-profiling of concrete. Costar RM 20 F is provided as a pre-mixed, polymer charged, dry powder which when blended with water is intended for application between 10mm to 100mm. Repairs more noteworthy than 20mm can be accomplished by building out the repair concrete with perfect, dry total. It is manufactured for repair on concrete highways, bridge decks, concrete parking lots and concrete floors.


Costar RM 20 F is a one-component, polymer modified, easy to use and rapid drying cementitious patching mortar ideal for the repair or re-profiling of concrete. Costar RM 20 F is provided as a pre-mixed, polymer charged, dry powder which when blended with water is intended for application between 10mm to 100mm. Repairs more noteworthy than 20mm can be accomplished by building out the repair concrete with perfect, dry total. It is manufactured for repair on concrete highways, bridge decks, concrete parking lots and concrete floors.


  • Easy to prepare and quick to apply.
  • Improves impermeability and chemical resistance.
  • Rapid setting; receives primers, levelers, adhesives and coverings without delay.
  • Improves compressive strength and durability
  • Excellent high build properties
  • Zero VOC content and freeze/thaw resistant
  • Good adhesion to substrates, subfloors and stable adhesive residue.
  • Excellent standard of finish can be achieved to allow direct application of coverings.