Costar Anti Wash Admixture

Costar Anti-Wash Admixture is a ready to use, liquid admixture specially developed for concrete placed underwater. The Anti-washout admixture is substantially influential in enhancing the cohesiveness of concrete that is poured underwater and in danger of washout or segregation due to surrounding water, leading to greater uniformity of hardened properties. Costar Anti-Washout admixture is ideal for all concrete pumped underwater where thixotropic properties are required.


Costar Anti-Wash Admixture is a ready to use, liquid admixture specially developed for concrete placed underwater. The Anti-washout admixture is substantially influential in enhancing the cohesiveness of concrete that is poured underwater and in danger of washout or segregation due to surrounding water, leading to greater uniformity of hardened properties. Costar Anti-Washout admixture is ideal for all concrete pumped underwater where thixotropic properties are required.


  • Superior and predictable in-place concrete properties
  • Dewatering costs reduced/eliminated
  • Environmental impact of cement washout in water minimized
  • Flexibility in batching procedures


Costar Anti wash Admixture is recommended for use at a dosage range 0.8-1.6 litre/100kg of cementitious material for most concrete mixes using average concrete ingredients. Because of variations in job conditions, applications and concrete materials, dosage rates outside the recommended range may be required.